Monday, July 23, 2007

Home again

Living in California again is wierd. I am kinda remembering things that i had forgotten. Smells, sights its all coming back to me. A lot is the same. It really hasn't changed a lot in the past 12 or so years since i have been gone.
One of the things that has changed so much is the amount of hispanics around. Now don't get me wrong there have always been hispanics in claifornia, but not like this. Now i have been to a bunch of the local stores and malls and it is so strange.

At the local mall the other day. I could have sworn i was in mexico. I'm serious. I'm not complaining, just observing. The bigger stores have signs in english and spanish. Cashiers speak both lanuages and you can hear spanish being spoken all over the place.

Yes i know there are sections of cities that are like this. Cultural groups that live predomonatly in a city block and have opened stores in that area. Imgine that x 10.

I know the percenage of hispanics is suppossed to be 40 percentor so, but i feel like its a lot more like 60 percent. Really.
I see how very quickly (and studies show this) hispanics are going to outnumber the non hispanic in the cities of Los Angeles County. Not to mention the other cities in California.

Now here is the problem. Who is reaching these people? Are ministries really making an effort to reach out to these people? I do see some efforts, but not nearly enough. I see alot of little storefront churches and churches that are reaching churched hispanics. What i have not seen are churches that are reaching unchurched hispanics.

For a pastor trying to reach these people this is all good news. I will always have work. But for the non hispanic minded church, the numbers are shrinking not growing.

Pray that God would begin to put a burden on the hearts of pastors to reach the hispanic population around them.
Pray that God would bring spanish speaking pastors and lay people to this area to help with this effort.
Pray that God would speak into the lives of these people and they would repond to the message of hope that Jesus has to offer.


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