Monday, January 28, 2008

Big Sunday

Well this past sunday we made a big stink. Actually we had a flood in the building and so we had to deal with the smell of mildew for the whole service. You got used to the smell after a while. Anyway the service was a little bigger than usual but still not as big as i would like to see. I guess that was fine because i am still trying to figure this whole bilingual thing out. It is really difficult for me anyway to decide how much of either language is too much. I tend to speak too much english at the service when i see english speakers in the service. Another part of the big service is having others participate on the worship team. This week we had a friend Amy who sang beautifully with me after only one spanish pronunciation class. We also had a teen who leads worship for the youth do a special song. It was sweet! I am hoping more than anything that the next big sunday doesn't "stink".

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Are you sick of us yet?

For the next 9 weeks Light and Life North and Norte will be embarking on a full on publicity push of the spanish service. Every week we will try a different method to promote the Spanish Service. Two weeks ago i shared a little bit about this effort to the congregation by saying. "You are going to get sick of seeing me...." I hope that what we do in the following weeks not only gets Norte on people's brains but helps to promote the idea that this is a partnership with Light and Life North to reach the Spanish speaking community of Long Beach. My prayer is that the congregation of Light and Life North church not just know about this effort but embraces this effort to reach Spanish speakers in our city.