Saturday, August 30, 2008

We have been here a whole year! are a few of the things that have happened.
- started a weekly service to reach spanish speakers.
- adjusted the service to a bilingual service.
- changed the hour of the service to 11:00am instead of 9:00am.
- added a guitar player to the worship team. Nicole and i were the only members.
- added a female back up singer to the team
- added a percussion player to the team. Nicole who played percussion stepped aside to play drums. Yes she has many talents.
- Began to use someone to do announcements
- church grows to 20. That is the current growth barrier we are trying to break. (Church planter lingo)
- had an outreach to the community that flopped. I did learn some valuable lessons through it though.
- had our grand opening at Easter. Our biggest sunday 25.
- had a joint outdoor service with "North". Norte gave away gifts to the community. We gained one family from that.
- I officiated the first of many bilingual weddings.
- was able to go away on vacation for two weeks and the church thrived through it.
- developed a norte support team.
- selected a point person for outreach and promotion.
- had someone accept Christ
- seen people grow in their faith
- seen people touched by God.

I am excited to see what else God will do through the faithful of Norte.